Minnesota Milk’s resolutions guide the organization for the year. Minnesota milk currently has 45 resolutions on a wide variety of topics.
The Minnesota Milk Producers Association Policy Committee will debate and approve their package of proposals in October 2019 for board approval in November, at which time the proposed changes will go to the December 2019 annual meeting.
The table of contents is displayed below. The full resolutions may be downloaded for review.
Table of Contents
Section A: Make Minnesota a Great State for Livestock
A1: Move to Outcome-Based Regulation
A2: Health Insurance and Affordability
A3: Tax Policy – State and Federal
A4: Corporate Ownership of Farmland
A5: Preservation of Productive Agricultural Land
Section B: Support for the Next Generation Dairy Farmers and Agriculture 5
B1: Support for the Next Generation Dairy Farmers 5
B2: Dairy Research, Teaching and Consumer Education Center 5
B3: Estate Tax Exemption and Tax Rate 6
B4: Veterinary Education and Veterinarian Loan Forgiveness 6
B5: Support for University of Minnesota and Minnesota State Programs 6
B6: Farm Youth Leadership Programs including 4-H and FFA 7
Section C: Providing Incentives for Growth 8
C1: Strengthening Minnesota’s Processing Sector 8
C2: Livestock Investment Grant Program and Access to Capital 8
C3: Dairy Development and Profitability Enhancement (DDPEP) 8
C4: Federal Farm Program 9
C5: Risk Management Tools for Milk Producers 10
Section D: Create the Premier Dairy Industry Infrastructure 12
D1: Infrastructure Needs of Rural Communities and Milk Processors 12
D2: Safer Roads 12
D3: Competitive Overtime Pay Policy 12
D4: Remedy for Stray Current 13
D5: Renewable Energy – Federal and State Policies and Incentives 13
D6: Wind and Solar Development Lease and Setback Requirements 14
D7: Immigration 14
D8: Employment Under False Pretenses 15
D9: Manure Hoses in Right of Ways 15
D10: Better Trucking Laws 15
Section E: Maintain and Grow Dairy Markets 17
E1: Healthy Choices in Schools 17
E2: Raw Milk Sales – Public Health and Safety 17
E3: Opposition to Beverage Container Deposit Legislation 18
E4: State Support for Dairy Research and Market Development 18
E5: Fair Milk Price 18
E6: Truth in Labeling for Dairy Products 19
E7: Fluid Milk Solid Standards 19
E8: Import Quality and Safety and Export Standards 19
E9: Trade Policies 20
E10: New and Existing Technologies and Products 20
Section F: Improving the Environment through a Public/Private Partnership 22
F1: Water Stewardship 22
F2: Board of Water Soil Resources Cost Share Program 22
F3: Agriculture Drainage Systems 23
F4: Climate Change and Clean Air Act 23
Section G: Support for Industry Efforts 25
G1: Options for Animal Disposal 25
G2: Care of Animals 25
G3: Johne’s Disease 25
G4: US Dairy Sustainability Efforts 26
G5: Strategic Alliances 26