Join Minnesota Milk and Compeer Financial as we discuss how your farm can best position itself for long-term survival through the current economic downturn. Cassie Monger and Matt Lange of Compeer Financial will lead the discussion in this one hour webinar. Register here
Sara Dorland, Managing Partner at Ceres Dairy Risk Management, discusses the current status of the U.S dairy market and what to expect in the coming months. Key topics covered include: COVID-19 impacts locally and internationally Trends in food-service and consumer buying Avenues for risk protection now and in the future
Preparing for Recovery Look to the future of your operation with an eye on your risk management strategy as Cassie Monger facilitates a discussion with Tim Swenson, Senior Dairy Business Consultant, and Michelle Sell, Dairy Insurance Specialist, of Compeer Financial on the following topics: The values of risk management How risk management supports financial success and…