Dairy Management Workshop – Hutchinson
March 5, 2020 @ 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Dairy Management Workshops bring new information and networking opportunities to a location near you. Unique partnerships with other organizations like I-29 Moo University, UMIDA, and Midwest Dairy help bring relevant information to you.
This event is free for dairy producers.
9:30 AM: Registration
10:00 AM: Vaccines-When can you give to many, Joe Armstrong
10:45 AM: Greenhouse Gasses and Dairy, Dan Peerless
11:30 AM: Minnesota Milk Update
11:45 AM: Midwest Dairy Checkoff Update
12:15 PM: Lunch and County ADA Meetings
1:15 PM: Current Economic Situation in Dairy, Marin Bozic
2:15 PM: Adjourn
2:30 PM: Lameness Focus Group, Erin Wynands
For full details, download the agenda: 2020 Hutchinson Agenda