As result of the Redistricting and Board reduction processes, the Minnesota Milk board puts forth the following change to its Bylaws, for consideration at the Minnesota Milk Annual Meeting, to be held Wednesday, December 4, at 9:00 a.m., at the Treasure Island Resort and Casino, Welch, Minn.


Article III, Section 1. There shall be a maximum of three Directors-at-Large elected pursuant to these Bylaws.


Article III, Section 1. There shall be a maximum of four Directors-at-Large elected pursuant to these Bylaws.

The Minnesota Milk Board of Directors desires to have 10 directors, elected from 6 newly drawn districts and four at-large directors. However, the board desires no more than two directors per district including at-large representatives.

The current adoption of new districts results in the following elections:

  • Two districts in 2019 (Districts 1 and 5)
  • Two districts and two at-large in 2020
  • Two districts and one at-large in 2021 and 2022
  • Two districts and two at-large in 2023

…with the pattern repeating.

View the current bylaws (adopted 2017)

View the proposed bylaws (for consideration December 2019)